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0800 4 HOSES

Danchem PG

Type: Composite – Chemical Hose

Danchem Suction and Discharge Composite Hoses

This most popular General Purpose Chemical Hose is suitable for suction, discharge and vacuum operations, transferring a wide variety of acids, alkalis, solvents and petroleum products. Primarily used for road and rail tankers and in plant, this is also one of several Dantec hoses suitable for transfer of certain liquid food products. This hose conforms to BSEN13765:2010.

Commonly used for road and rail tankers and in plant. Several Dantec hoses are suitable to carry liquid food products. Hose with aluminum inner wire should not be used with the more acidic products such as vinegar and/or fruit juices.


Part Number Description ID Working Pressure Temp Range Vacuum Length
mm bar/psi °C bar m
39-20019 Danchem PG 19mm 19 14/200 -30 to +100oC 0.9 25
39-20025 Danchem PG 25mm 25 14/200 -30 to +100oC 0.9 25
39-20032 Danchem PG 32mm 32 14/200 -30 to +100oC 0.9 25
39-20038 Danchem PG 38mm 38 14/200 -30 to +100oC 0.9 25
39-20051 Danchem PG 51mm 51 14/200 -30 to +100oC 0.9 25
39-20075 Danchem PG 75mm 75 14/200 -30 to +100oC 0.9 25
39-20102 Danchem PG 102mm 102 14/200 -30 to +100oC 0.9 25
39-20152 Danchem PG 152mm 152 14/200 -30 to +100oC 0.9 25